...We finally received the professional photos of the wedding.

Thedra at the Lewis family home before the ceremony.

Nyah and Kyla, our flower girls.

I think this was Thedra arriving at the church.

Mrs. Lewis and Thedra on the Waterfront after the ceremony.

Thedra with her sister and Maid of Honor, Crystal.

Thedra with her dad, Mr. Lewis.

Thedra with brother Greg at the Waterfront.

Groomsmen with the bride.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis with the bride.

...and the bridesmaids, at Anthony's Pier 9.

I don't remember ever being so thoroughly joyful.

Best Man Harry and Maid of Honor Crystal offer toasts.

There were a few moments when we at least smiled without showing teeth...

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis with Mother Lewis, Thedra's grandmother.

Nearing the serious party phase of the evening, Shelly with husband Greg and sister-in-law, Crystal.

The Jet Magazine wedding photo I guess.
